Giving Back
Velettà's founder Sarah Bacon believes strongly in giving back. Consequently, Velettà supports three worthy causes.
Look Good Feel Better
Velettà partners with Look Good Feel Better, helping to make a positive impact on the well-being of over 3,000 people across New Zealand each year. Look Good Feel Better provides free classes to women living with cancer in New Zealand; these classes focus on the problems associated with the visible side effects of cancer treatment.
Velettà donates Luxury Face Cloths to women who take part in the programme knowing that these cloths are perfect for sensitive skin.
Forward Gear
This is Sarah Bacon’s own charitable programme. Child poverty is a significant issue in New Zealand. There are many ways that poverty manifests; one of them is a lack of decent, warm clothing. Research suggests that children with experiences of poverty are cold and experience social exclusion and bullying because of their poor clothing.
Forward Gear helps clothe children in need by “buddying them up” with a family with clothing to give. The donor family provide their Forward Gear kid with good quality, used clothing and footwear throughout the school year.
Sarah collects the donated clothes and repackages them in easy to carry, reusable cotton bags. The bags are labelled with the child’s name and delivered to their school. A Forward Gear kid usually get about 3 large bags of clothing a year.
Trees that Count
Launched in November 2016, Trees That Count is a New Zealand-wide campaign that aims to bring together business, community and everyday Kiwis to help plant 200 million native trees. Velettà does its part by helping to fund planting work. It is a fantastic project and provides businesses with a tangible way to help fight climate change.