Giving Back

Velettà's founder Sarah Bacon believes strongly in giving back. Consequently, Velettà supports two worthy causes:

Look Good Feel Better

Velettà partners with Look Good Feel Better, helping to make a positive impact on the well-being of over 3,000 people across New Zealand each year. Look Good Feel Better provides free classes to women living with cancer in New Zealand; these classes focus on the problems associated with the visible side effects of cancer treatment.

Velettà donates Luxury Face Cloths to women who take part in the programme, knowing that these cloths are perfect for sensitive skin.

Trees That Count

Launched in November 2016, Trees That Count is a New Zealand-wide campaign that aims to bring together business, community and everyday Kiwis to help plant 200 million native trees. Velettà does its part by helping to fund planting work. It is a fantastic project and provides businesses with a tangible way to help fight climate change.   


At Velettà sustainability is a core element of our operation; we do not believe in box ticking. We consider the environmental impact of everything we do and make conscious choices to lessen Velettà’s footprint on the earth. 


Velettà products are made of the best of nature. Each ingredient has been meticulously chosen because it promotes healthy, resilient and beautiful skin and together our ingredients form glorious, potent and active textures that deliver results. 

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