-William McDonough
“Sustainability takes forever, and that’s the point”
At Velettà sustainability is part of the way we operate, not simply an exercise of ticking boxes. This means that in creating our brand, our products and our supplier relationships, we have made conscious choices about how we operate and how we handle the outputs of our business. It’s an ongoing part of our operations to review these elements and to keep ourselves informed about the latest information about earth-friendly practices

Here are the ways that we have made conscious, sustainable choices for our business and for you as consumers
Glass packaging, not plastic
an added bonus is that our gorgeous glass bottles look beautiful as smallvases, and our little jars are perfect for holding precious things
Recyclable cardboard printed with vegetable dyes
yes, we ask questions about every single element
Consciously-chosen ingredients that have proven sustainable sources
because we care about where our ingredients have come from, and how
Reusable and biodegradable PVA face cloths to prevent the use of disposable face wipes
they’re not only much better for the environment, but they’re also an absolute pleasure to use
Our decision to choose Peerage Products as our manufacturer
because of their demonstrated commitment to being a sustainable manufacturing business. Peerage Products actively operates with demand-based manufacturing, they source local ingredients where possible, and they focus on waste reduction and reputable recycling methods
Our decision to choose Peerage Products as our manufacturer
because of their demonstrated commitment to being a sustainable manufacturing business. Peerage Products actively operates with demand-based manufacturing, they source local ingredients where possible, and they focus on waste reduction and reputable recycling methods
Our partnership with the Zero Waste Box™ offering an packaging return option for our customers
The Zero Waste Box™ system is an all-in-one recycling solution from TerraCycle®. Everything collected through the box is sorted and processed into raw materials that can be reused instead of being sent to landfill.
Once your packaging waste is returned to us, it is put in our Zero Waste Box™ then shipped to TerraCycle® where it is sorted and transformed into new products.
Please send your Velettà recycling to:
Velettà skincare
PO Box 15275
Miramar Wellington 6243
New Zealand

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