how to stick to a new years resolution | Velettà skincare

New Years resolutions. How many is the right number?

Posted by Sarah Bacon on

As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, people worldwide usher in the New Year with hope, optimism, and a list of resolutions.

These promises to improve one's life, health, or habits are as diverse as the individuals making them. However, the question arises: Is it better to set a single New Year's resolution and stick to it, or is it more effective to create a lengthy list of goals for the year ahead? While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, there are compelling reasons to argue that focusing on a single resolution can be more successful. 

First and foremost, concentrating on a single New Year's resolution allows for better focus and commitment. When you have just one goal in mind, you can channel your energy and resources into achieving it. This focus increases your chances of success, as it's easier to manage and measure progress when your attention isn't divided among multiple objectives.  

For instance, if your goal is to lose weight, you can allocate your time to exercise and plan your meals more effectively, increasing the likelihood of reaching your desired weight.

Moreover, setting one resolution encourages a deeper commitment. Humans have limited willpower and self-discipline; spreading these thin across multiple resolutions can lead to burnout and frustration. Concentrating on a single goal makes you more likely to remain motivated and committed throughout the year. This sustained effort increases the probability of successful resolution achievement. 

Another benefit of choosing one resolution is that it allows for more thoughtful and meaningful goal-setting. When you have only one objective in mind, you can take the time to reflect on what truly matters to you and why you want to achieve it. This introspection can lead to setting resolutions more aligned with your values and aspirations, making them more meaningful and fulfilling.

On the other hand, creating a long list of resolutions can lead to overwhelm and a lack of focus. It's easy to lose track of your goals or become discouraged when progress is slow on multiple fronts. This can lead to abandoning all resolutions prematurely, resulting in disappointment and a sense of failure. 

Ultimately, the key to successful resolutions is not the number of goals but the dedication, perseverance, and determination with which you pursue them. 

At Velettà the goal will be to be kinder to ourselves. A little more positive talk, a little more self-care. This goal is achievable, and the rewards are enormous. We will be taking more time to enjoy nature, indulge in Velettà daily rituals and playlists, and feed ourself well (both body and mind).

What are you planning?

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