Behind the Veil
Join Velettà on a journey of self-discovery. Our journal covers a range of topics, from skincare to health and wellbeing and is guaranteed to enrich your mind.
Everything You Need to Know About Pores and How to Make Them Look Smaller
What are pores? Why do my pores look large? What can I do to make them look smaller? Read on to find out the answers.
Why Green Leafy Vegetables Should Be a Big Part of Your Diet
You are missing out if you are not including green, leafy vegetables in your diet. Why? Read on to find out.
Why Artificial Fragrance is Something to Avoid
Artificial or synthetic fragrances are in a whole host of products and they can be harmful. Would you like to know more? Read on
Why You Should Wash Your Face Twice a Day
Do you wash your face morning and night? There are good reason's why you should. Read on to find out more
Spotlight on Ingredients #6: Why We Don’t Use Propylene Glycol
Some skincare ingredients are better than others and some should be avoided. We take a look at Propylene Glycol and why we use an alternative...
Should you Try an Anti-Inflammatory Diet?
An anti-inflammatory diet may be the key to improving your health and obtaining the clear, glowing skin you have always wanted. Interested in finding out more?...
Spotlight on Ingredients #5: Frankincense
Frankincense has a number of different health benefits, both topically and medicinally, it can help transform dry, problem skin into younger-looking skin. Want to know more?...
Spots and mature skin
No longer a teen but still getting spots? There are a variety of factors that may be at play. Read on find out more
Do I really need prebiotics?
Prebiotics are essential for good gut health. They are a prerequisite for bacteria; without prebiotics, these live microorganisms will not flourish. Would you like to know...
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